
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
How I enjoy my bus knitting!
Stickar vidare på "Cozy V-Neck pullover with deep ribbing" ur Fitted Knits. Är inne på resåren på kroppsstycket. Det blir ett antal tunnelbane- och bussresor till och från jobbet innan jag kan jag börja på ärmarna. Men vad gör det, snacka om superskön stickning! Gillar verkligen att sticka löst med tjockt garn.
I'm knitting on the "Cozy V-Neck pullover with deep ribbing" from Fitted Knits. I'm currently knitting on the ribbing of the body. There'll be a number of subway and bus rides to and from work until I'll be able to start on the sleeves. But I don't mind, this is such a cozy knitting. How I truly enjoy knitting loosely with thick yarn.

Monday, October 29, 2007
Short Cut!
Jag "vabbar" den här eftermiddagen eftersom både sonen och dottern fått någon sorts magåkomma samtidigt. Eftersom pappan var hemma med Leo var det bara att kasta sig in i taxin och expresshämta Anthea från dagis.
I'm home from work this afternoon since both our son and daugther have caugth some sort of stomach issue simultaneously. Since the father was with Leo at home I had to jump into a cab and express fetch Anthea from the kindergarden.
Väl hemma möttes vi av denne snaggade kille i hallen. Pappan hade nämligen känt sig lite inspirerad att köra rakapparaten/trimmen även på sonen den här morgonen.
Well at home we met this short cut guy in the hall. The father had felt a bit inspired to run the shaver/trimmer also on the son this morning.
På hallgolvet låg post till mamman, de här snygga örhängena är från Little Llama Shop. Tack vare tips på Amandas blogg upptäckte jag dessa skönheter och slog till snabbt som ögat.
I'm home from work this afternoon since both our son and daugther have caugth some sort of stomach issue simultaneously. Since the father was with Leo at home I had to jump into a cab and express fetch Anthea from the kindergarden.

Well at home we met this short cut guy in the hall. The father had felt a bit inspired to run the shaver/trimmer also on the son this morning.

On the hall floor was post to mama, these cool earrings with are from Little Llama Shop. Thanks to at tip at Amanda's blog I discovered these beauties and bought them really quickly.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
För att bota hösttrötthet har jag mumsat på massor av nötter och torkad frukt på jobbet. Har testat igenom an variation av olika organiska nötter, priset är verkligen flera gånger dyrare än de icke-organiska nötterna och smakmässigt är det givetvis bättre, men kanske inte i proportion till priset. Om jag känner mig piggare, nja ... vet inte.
In order to cure autumn tiredness I eat a lot of nuts and dried fruits at work. Have tried a variation of organic nuts, and the price is many times expensier than the non-organic and the taste is of course better but perhaps not in proporiton with the price. If I feel more energetic, nja... not so sure.
Jag storgillar både det naturliga materialet och supertuffa sjyssta designen i HMs Organic Cotton linje. De finns både för vuxna och barn, ändå in i spädåldern. Framför allt till barnen har jag hittat så mycket coola kläder de senaste året. Lite dyrare än vanliga HM plagg, men fortfarande prisvärt i jämförelse med allmänna prisnivån på barnkläder på marknaden.
I really like the natural material and the super cool design by HMs Organic Cotton linje. They exist for adults and kids, even for new borns. Especially for the kids I've found so many cool cloths the last year. A bit pricier than normal HM clothes, but still very great price compared to the average price level for kids clothes on the market.
Habu Textiles stil är speciell, inte enbart de ovanliga garnerna utan även modellerna lockar mig mycket. Mina favoriter är KIT-52, KIT-48, KIT-24, KIT-27B och KIT-20 men priset på dessa kit får mig verkligen att tänka efter några gånger.
Habu Textile's style is special, not only the unusual yarns but also the models are very tempting. My favourites are KIT-52, KIT-48, KIT-24, KIT-27B and KIT-20 but the price of the kit's makes me hesitate more than one times.
I veckan hämtade jag ut Lotta Jansdotter Simple Sewing, kort/kuvert i hennes design samt kokboken Mellan hjortron och oliver av Tessa Kiros hos lokala postaffären. Lottas symönster är stilrena och verkar inte alltför svåra att följa och hennes kort kommer säkert komma väl till användning. Tessa delar med sig av sina barndoms matupplevelser, och eftersom hennes mor är finska och hennes far grek-cypriotisk, precis som mina föräldrar, känns det extra spännande att bläddra igenom denna vackert illustrerade bok.
This week I fetched Lotta Jansdotter's Simple Sewing, card/envelopes in her design as well as the cooking book Falling Cloudberries by Tessa Kiros at the local postshop. Lotta's sewing patterns are stylish and doesn't seem to complicated and the cards will surely be well used. Tessa shares her childhood food experiences and since her mother is Finnish and her father Greek-Cypriot, like mine, it feels extra exciting to read this beautifully illustrated book.
In order to cure autumn tiredness I eat a lot of nuts and dried fruits at work. Have tried a variation of organic nuts, and the price is many times expensier than the non-organic and the taste is of course better but perhaps not in proporiton with the price. If I feel more energetic, nja... not so sure.

I really like the natural material and the super cool design by HMs Organic Cotton linje. They exist for adults and kids, even for new borns. Especially for the kids I've found so many cool cloths the last year. A bit pricier than normal HM clothes, but still very great price compared to the average price level for kids clothes on the market.

Habu Textile's style is special, not only the unusual yarns but also the models are very tempting. My favourites are KIT-52, KIT-48, KIT-24, KIT-27B and KIT-20 but the price of the kit's makes me hesitate more than one times.

This week I fetched Lotta Jansdotter's Simple Sewing, card/envelopes in her design as well as the cooking book Falling Cloudberries by Tessa Kiros at the local postshop. Lotta's sewing patterns are stylish and doesn't seem to complicated and the cards will surely be well used. Tessa shares her childhood food experiences and since her mother is Finnish and her father Greek-Cypriot, like mine, it feels extra exciting to read this beautifully illustrated book.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
My Little Knitter
Antheas har haft kalas. Hennes kompisar kom vid tre och sen var det fullt ös ända fram till nio-tiden då sista släktingarna gick. Vi hann dessutom klämma in en pizzamiddag med fam B. Det var verkligen en intensiv men mycket trevlig söndag!
Anthea's had her party. Her friends came at around three and then it was full speed until ninish when the last relatives left. We even managed to squeeze in a pizzadinner with fam B. It was definitely an intense but really nice Sunday!
Anthea har börjat sticka... ja, i alla fall såg det ut ungefär så här efter att hon visat mig hur man stickar. Medan hon höll på att "sticka" in stickan rätt in i nystanet frågade jag henne vad hon skulle vilja sticka. Hon sa "en sjal till dig". Varpå jag frågade "Och sen, efter det?". "En tröjja till pappa". È hon gullig eller é hon gullig?!
Anthea has started to knit... well, anyway it looked about this when she was through showing me how to knit. While she was pulling the needle right through the skein I asked her what she would want to knit. She said "a shawl for you". Then I asked her "and after that?". "A pullover for dad". Is she qute or is she qute?!
Jag har i alla fall börjat sticka på nytt tröjjprojekt, det ska bli Cozy V-neck från Fitted Knits av Glampyre. Har tagit EmmaP:s varning på allvar och för att få hyffsat rätt stickfasthet stickar jag lööööst. Få se vad det blir av det här... hittills ser det väl inte riktigt klokt ut.
I have started to knit on the new pullover project, it will become a Cozy V-neck from Fitted Knits by Glampyre. I have taken EmmaP's warning seriously and to obatain an ok gauge I am knitting looooosely. We'll have to see what comes out of this... so far it looks a bit weard to me.
Anthea's had her party. Her friends came at around three and then it was full speed until ninish when the last relatives left. We even managed to squeeze in a pizzadinner with fam B. It was definitely an intense but really nice Sunday!

Anthea has started to knit... well, anyway it looked about this when she was through showing me how to knit. While she was pulling the needle right through the skein I asked her what she would want to knit. She said "a shawl for you". Then I asked her "and after that?". "A pullover for dad". Is she qute or is she qute?!

I have started to knit on the new pullover project, it will become a Cozy V-neck from Fitted Knits by Glampyre. I have taken EmmaP's warning seriously and to obatain an ok gauge I am knitting looooosely. We'll have to see what comes out of this... so far it looks a bit weard to me.

Saturday, October 20, 2007
An Ancient Style Pullover for My Archeologist!
Imorgon ska vi ha födelsedagskalas för Anthea. Innan storhandling inför kalaset tog vi oss till Odenplan för en lunch.
Tomorrow we'll arrange a birthday party for Anthea. Before the major shopping at the supermarket for the party we popped by Odenplan for a lunch.
Barnen äter ju gärna vid halvtolv, men restaurangen öppnar inte före tolv så vi promenerade omkring och underhöll barnen kring Odenplan.
Our children prefer to eat at around eleven thirty but since the restaurant didnn't open before twelve we wandered around and entertained the children at Odenplan.
Så vad lägligt då att passa på att fota maken bärande den nya Kullerstenströjjan, som jag ju också lovat guylaines och åsa i kommentarerna.
So how suitable to photograph husband wearing his new Cobblestone pullover, as I've already promised to guylaines and åsa in the comments.
Efter promenaden käkade vi flott hos en Italienare och Anthea, vår numera treåring, var så söt där hon satt och åt fast hon knappt nådde upp till tallriken.
After the promenade we had some Italian food and Anthea, our now three year old, was so cute when sat and eat even tough she hardly reached up to her plate.
Tomorrow we'll arrange a birthday party for Anthea. Before the major shopping at the supermarket for the party we popped by Odenplan for a lunch.

Our children prefer to eat at around eleven thirty but since the restaurant didnn't open before twelve we wandered around and entertained the children at Odenplan.

So how suitable to photograph husband wearing his new Cobblestone pullover, as I've already promised to guylaines and åsa in the comments.

After the promenade we had some Italian food and Anthea, our now three year old, was so cute when sat and eat even tough she hardly reached up to her plate.

Thursday, October 18, 2007
Autumnal inspirations
Inspirerad av Ilsefins chokladtema flashar jag mitt chokladbruna garn som ska användas till nästa tröjjprojekt, nämligen Cozy V-neck av numera B6-vitamin knaprande och gravida Glampyre.
Inspired by Ilsefin's chocolate theme I flash my chocolate brown yarn which will be used for my next pullover project, the Cozy V-neck by nowadays B6-vitamine eating pregnant Glampyre.
Här, måste visa mina fina röda skor som jag berättat om och som jag hittade hos Knulp.
Here, I must show you my new red shoes that I told you about and that I found at Knulp.
Åh, och de här raringarna damp ned i min brevlåda häromdagen, det är symönster till några av Hillary Langs gosia mjukisdjur.
Oh, and check out these sweeties that arrived the other day, it's sewing patterns for some of Hillary Lang's cozy soft animals.
På jobbet känns allt betydligt bättre. I min jobbsyfte står att "To analyze the business processes, define functional requirements of information systems and deploy them". Det känns faktiskt som att jag håller på med det nu. Och inte bara fixar med allt möjligt annat.
My job feels much better. In my job purpose it says "To analyze the business processes, define functional requirements of information systems and deploy them". It actually feels as if I am doing these things now. And not just fixing with all kinds of other things.
Ahem ... gissa vem som varit inspiration till denna banner av maken?
Inspired by Ilsefin's chocolate theme I flash my chocolate brown yarn which will be used for my next pullover project, the Cozy V-neck by nowadays B6-vitamine eating pregnant Glampyre.

Here, I must show you my new red shoes that I told you about and that I found at Knulp.

Oh, and check out these sweeties that arrived the other day, it's sewing patterns for some of Hillary Lang's cozy soft animals.

My job feels much better. In my job purpose it says "To analyze the business processes, define functional requirements of information systems and deploy them". It actually feels as if I am doing these things now. And not just fixing with all kinds of other things.
Ahem ... guess who been inspiration for this banner by the husband?
Frustration is root to all creativity!
Skulle vilja drista mig att säga att "frustration är roten till all kreativitet". När jag säger frustration, tänker jag på den där obehagliga känslan som bänder och piskar på och får en att känna sig både ilsken och hågsen på samma gång. Jag tror att enda sättet att stävja frustrationen är att faktum bejaka den och snarare rida på dess energi.
I would like to claim that "frustration is the root to all creaticity". When I say frustration, I think about that uncomfortable feeling that tornments you and makes you angry and listless at the same time. I believe that the only way to check frustration is to in fact accept it and rather ride on its energy.
Det märkliga med frustrationen och kreativiteten är att de på ett sätt är varandras motpoler i och med att kreativitet snarare är ett tillstånd av harmoni och upprymdhet. Men samtidigt är de ett, och samma, eftersom kreativiteten är så avhängig frustrationen.
The strange thing about frustration and creativity is that they in one whay are each others opposites since creativity is rather a state of harmony and rave. But at the same time they are one, and the same, since creaticity is so dependent on the frustration.
Låt mig utveckla den här tanken vidare. Frustrationen välver typiskt upp i en då man kör fast med något problem. Om frustrationen då förnekas och förskjuts avtar som resultat även kreativiteten med uppgivenhet som resultat istället.
Let me develop my idea further. Frustration typically becomes strong when one gets stuck with a problem. If the frustration is denied and ignored then also the creativity diminishes with dejection as a result.
Frustrationen kan istället vara den vindpust som får seglen att resa sig och båten att skjuta iväg, vilket ju ofta sker utan att man tänker på det. Men om problemen är av ovan karaktär och/eller ens attityd helt enkelt bara är rutten så är det faktiskt upp till en själv att se positivt på frustrationen och utnyttja kraften i den för att kunna vara kreativ.
Frustration could instead be the wind that lifts the sail and makes the boat move, which often happens without one even thinking of it. But if the problem is of a unfamiliar character and/or ones attityde is just crap then it is in fact up to one self to look positively on frustration and make use of its force in order to be able to be creative.
Så dessa två, frustrationen och kreativiteten, må inte separeras. Amen!
So these two, frustration and creativity, may not be separated. Amen!
I would like to claim that "frustration is the root to all creaticity". When I say frustration, I think about that uncomfortable feeling that tornments you and makes you angry and listless at the same time. I believe that the only way to check frustration is to in fact accept it and rather ride on its energy.

The strange thing about frustration and creativity is that they in one whay are each others opposites since creativity is rather a state of harmony and rave. But at the same time they are one, and the same, since creaticity is so dependent on the frustration.

Let me develop my idea further. Frustration typically becomes strong when one gets stuck with a problem. If the frustration is denied and ignored then also the creativity diminishes with dejection as a result.

Frustration could instead be the wind that lifts the sail and makes the boat move, which often happens without one even thinking of it. But if the problem is of a unfamiliar character and/or ones attityde is just crap then it is in fact up to one self to look positively on frustration and make use of its force in order to be able to be creative.

So these two, frustration and creativity, may not be separated. Amen!
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Just another weekend
Igår var vi på liten utflykt på stan med Kungsgatan som tema, skulle man kunna tro. Mamman fick ett par vackra skor (Naturalista, model 50 i rött) från Knulp, barnen var sin leksak från Krabat, sen mumsades kalasgoda bulllar på Vetekatten, för att avrunda med nödvändigt inköp av frys på Elgiganet, eftersom den gamla havererade under veckan. Vi fick väl vara nöjda, trots allt, eftersom vi hade kollat på nätet innan vi besökte butiken och hänvisade till det lägre internetpriset, som vi också sedan fick i butiken.
Yestersday we went on a small excursion to the city center with Kungsgatan (a street) as a theme, one would believe. The mother got a pair of beautiful shoes (Naturalista, model 50 in red)from Knulp, the kids got toys from Krabat, then we eat the loveliest buns at Vetekatten to round up with a purchase of a freezer at Elgiganten, since the old one broke down during the week. We should be content, despise the incident, as we had checked out the price on the net before visiting the store and refered to the lower Internet price, which we also received in the store.
Efter bullemums på Vetekatten somnade Leo, jag fick sticka lite på Cobblestone tröjjan som numera är ett jättebylse bestående av ett både ärmar och kropp, medan dottern lekte med sitt nya pussel och maken och jag koverserade. Jag konverserade även en del med en bordsgranne som var nyfiken på mitt förehavande. "Det ser så mysigt ut", sa den mycket intresserade damen, och jag missionera stickningens fröjder som värsta stickfrälsisen ...
After bun indulgence at the Vetekatten Leo fell asleep and I got to knit a little on the Cobblestone pullover which now is a huge mass consisting of arms and body, while daugther was playing with her new puzzle and husband and I conversating. I also conversated some with a neighbour at the table who was curious about my doings. "It looks so cozy!, said the very interested lady, and I missioned about the joys of knitting as some knitting saved ...
I eftermiddag ska dottern och jag på bio. Råttatouille. Anthea har sett trailern i ett halvår och tjutit av skratt, men det ska bli intressant att se hur första bioupplevelsen blir för en knappt treåring.
This afternoon me and daugther are going to the movies. Ratatouille. Anthea has seen the trailer since half a year and laughed her guts out, but it's going to be interesting to see how the firts movie experience will be for an almost three year old.
Yestersday we went on a small excursion to the city center with Kungsgatan (a street) as a theme, one would believe. The mother got a pair of beautiful shoes (Naturalista, model 50 in red)from Knulp, the kids got toys from Krabat, then we eat the loveliest buns at Vetekatten to round up with a purchase of a freezer at Elgiganten, since the old one broke down during the week. We should be content, despise the incident, as we had checked out the price on the net before visiting the store and refered to the lower Internet price, which we also received in the store.

After bun indulgence at the Vetekatten Leo fell asleep and I got to knit a little on the Cobblestone pullover which now is a huge mass consisting of arms and body, while daugther was playing with her new puzzle and husband and I conversating. I also conversated some with a neighbour at the table who was curious about my doings. "It looks so cozy!, said the very interested lady, and I missioned about the joys of knitting as some knitting saved ...

This afternoon me and daugther are going to the movies. Ratatouille. Anthea has seen the trailer since half a year and laughed her guts out, but it's going to be interesting to see how the firts movie experience will be for an almost three year old.
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