I can't say I feel comfortable with my new role as working small childrens mama. Less than a month has passed since I started to work. And it is a harse awakening to realise that the cozy homy family life is so limited. From that I come home shortly after the kids dinner it is full speed, when the last bits of energy needs to be channeled out, before it's time to go to bed. If I don't fall asleep with them, I'm sitting confused afterwards in front of the computer missing my small ones. Or watering flowers. (See how my pelarones has grew since last time.)
Det är 18 minuters resetid med tunnelbanan till jobbet, och det inkluderar dessutom ett tågbyte. Men den här innebär dyrbar sticktid och avkoppling för mig. En och annan rad hinns ju faktiskt med innan det är dags promenera sista biten till jobbet på Karlaplan. Idag maskade jag av sista ärmen på min Nevis. Näst upp är att sy ihop delarna och sen börja sticka på knappborden/kragen.
It's 18 minutes travel time with the subway to work, though it includes changing trains once. But, this means precious knitting time and relaxation for me. Well, I actually manage to knit a few rows, until it's time to walk the last bit to the office at Karlaplan. Today I cast off the last arm on my Nevis. Next up is to sewing up the pieces and then to start knitting on the button board/collar.
Varvar ner på kvällen gör jag bäst genom att läsa stickbloggar jag prenumererar på via bloglines. En av mina personliga favoriter just nu är Vifslan Knits, där Vifslan presenterar sina med god stil valda stickprojekt. En sann inspiration. Hon stickar för närvarande på den supereleganta Dawn. Jag vill, jag med!
Best way to come into a relaxed mood in the evenings is to read through knitting blogs I subscribe to via bloglines. One of my personal favourites right now is Vifslan Knits, where Vifslan presents her excellent choise of knitting projects. A true inspiration. Currently she's knitting on the super stylish Dawn. I want, me too!