Tuesday, April 25, 2006

A Flower Basket Shawl

I've finally finished knitting my Flower Basket Shawl though it's still un-finished and un-blocked. The FBS project has been perfect in soothing my restless mind when passing from the planned birthdate to overtime. Now I'm 4 days overtime and if the baby doesn't determine to come soon I'll desperately need to throw myself on to a new knitting project meanwhile I'm waiting. I've no clue what to knit though... I need something that I can finish in just a few days.

The shawl turned out to be pretty small despite my two extra repeats and loose knitting style so I'm really curious to see how much it'll grow with the blocking. I'll pin the wet shawl up on our living-room rug tonight when Anthea has gone asleep so that I can leave it there to dry over night.

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