Det är återigen kul att sticka. Det tar visserligen lite tid med krumma värkande händer. Om någon vecka ska det dock bli bättre när värsta post-gravidhormonerna ebbat ut.
It's again fun to knit. It takes a while though with hunched aching hands. In a few weeks it's supposed to be better though, once the worst post-pregnant hormones has ebbed away.
Det blev riktigt snyggt med det melerade garnet till Aestlight-sjalen. Hoppas nu att en blockning också kan få fason på formen.
It really became gorgeous with the marbled colouring to the Aestlight-shawl. Now I hope a blocking will give the right shape to it.
Sjalen kommer hur som helst att passa finfint med allt de svarta jag beställde ur Sonia Rykiel kollektionen härom dagen.
The shawl will however fit really prefectly with all the blacks I ordered from the Sonia Rykiel collection the other day.
That's a wonderful shawl. Who is it for? I see you had a beautiful baby - congratulations! He's lovely.
You mentioned Sonia Rykiel at H & M...I so wanted to get a stripy dress and tights but couldn't get to London, and they don't have an online store in the UK...drat!!
Thanks for your comment on my blog. I hope I'll have time to post soon.
I have been watching your blog for some time now and wanted to tell you congratulations on your sweet little baby. You shawl is lovely. I live in New Jersey, USA and enjoy reading your blog.
Alice: I'm making the springy shawl for myself. Looking forward to wearing it, and for spring to arrive. Just have to block it first, but my blocking equiment is currently knocking about somewhere.
Sorry that you missed the SR H&M occasion. Probably all items are sold out by now. I think some items are still left on the Swedish online shop. Let me know if I can help you somehow!
Looking forward to reading more on your blogg about your every day adventures!
Janne: Thank you for congratulations and for letting me know you read my blog (it's lovely to know my readers from all the corners).
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