Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Ms Cinnamon Bun and little Mr Active
First question this morning was 'bake bunnies?' And Anthea kept repeating this question every few minutes at the breakfast table. My promise to her yesterday was important! Anthea kneaded, used the silicon brush and tasted dough (and had her first experience of eating too much of it).
Våra bullar gick hem hos karlarna. Efter bullfikat fortsatte Leo med vad han mest ägnat sig åt senaste tiden: Upp på storasysterns säng. Ligga och gona en stund. Sen ner igen. Och så om igen.
Our buns where a success amongst the men here. After the ''coffe break' Leo continued with what he has been doing mostly lately: Upp on big sisters bed. Lay there and enjoy for a while. Then down again. And then all over again.
Edit: Tack förresten för alla snälla kommentarer gällande parkan. Ikväll var familjen ute på långpromenad längs Norr Mälarstrand med kvällsfika på Mälarpaviljongen. Givetvis passade jag på att använda parkan, som kändes supermysig!
Edit: By the ways, thanks for all the nice comments regarding parka. Tonight family and I made a long promenade along Norr Mälarstrand and enjoyed a cup of thé at Mälarpaviljongen. Of course I wore my new parka, which was super cozy!
Monday, April 23, 2007
Finally fini
Finally parka is fini, it was a long-lasting project. I'm talking about the finishing. The actual knitting went really fast. The last thing was to sew in the buttons and I think they managed to shape the cardi a bit. But it is still very large and fluffy on me. Still I believe it will be in use now and then.

Now I can spend more time on other unfinished projects and start new planned ones. And I can dream of completely new ones.Interweave Knits summercan now be peaked on. And I found new beautiful dreams, such as: Pomegranade Blouse by Norah Gaughan, 1824 Blouseon by Mari Lynn Patrick and Sleeveless Tuxedo Shirt by Theresa Schabes.

On knitting cafées I've met these prominent, but blogless, knitters Maria and Tanja. Have tried to convince them to start blogging so that we others can see all their fantastic knits (and they do knit a lot). And it worked, partially. Maria (who also runs a knitting shop) has started to blog over here, though only in Swedish.
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Shopping not alone
I was stopped on my way out at the door by super charming Leo who stretched his hand towards me holding a shoe with a happy face full of expectations. Mama, who was planning to make a quick shopping tour alone, melted directly and there was some change of plans. Having a qutie on ones hips while leaving the trolley ouside surely works, even though it's tough in these narrow and elevatorless handicraft shops.

I had some summer fabrics, from Ohlssons tyger on Sveavägen, for my first sewing project since upper secondary school. It is for the short sleeved Built by Wendy-blouse.

And buttons with jacket-feeling, from Mattsons Band on Kungsgatan, for the parka.

And some handles, from Panduro Hobby on Kungsgatan, for the Counterpane Carpet Bag. One part is actually already finished. It is a quick and engaging knit. And the yarn consumption is significantly more economic than I was expecting. So far I've used less than two skeins.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
And the winner is ...
Spring cleaning contest has a mohair winner: Agata, who's been notified via mail. The drawing was conducted with the help of a two and a half year old assistant. And it was an exciting little happening at the breakfast table though the odds where really 'high'. Regarding the high odds, I believe it has a good influence on 'luck in love'. What do you say, Agata?
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
New beginnings
The kids have been having a cold for a few days. Since the weather has been a bit chilly we've been indoors for the most. So I've had time to look and feel at my new yearns which I've purchased lately.
Igår swatchade jag i Rowans All Seasons Cotton, för en Counterpane Carpet Bag. Garnet känns jättebra. Rejält liksom. Och färgen Mocha Choc ser vackert 'sliten' ut. Det är tunnare än det rekommenderade så jag har gått ned en och en halv storlek i stickorna. Behöver förmodligen gå ned ytterlihgare en halv då resultatet känns aningen nätigt. Dessutom finns ett fel i stickbeskrivningen som jag i så fall passar på att rätta till. Felet är i vänsterkanten i början av mönsterupprepningen. Det saknas en yarnover som gör slutresultatet asymmetriskt. Det syns inte nämnvärt men ändå-Ikväll tar jag med mig sticket på stickcafé hos Marias Garn och bestämmer mig för hur jag ska göra.
The kids have been having a cold for a few days. Due to cold weather we've been indoors a lot. So I've had plenty of time to look and feel at my new yarn purchases lately. Yesterday I swatched with Rowans All Seasons Cotton for a Counterpane Carpet Bag. The yarn feels great. Strong. And the colour Mocha Choc looks beautifully worn out. It's thinner than the recommended why I've had to go down one and a half needle size. But I think I need to go down another half size. Besides, there is an error in the pattern which I will correct in that case. The error is in the left corner in the beginning of each pattern repeat. There is one YO missing which results in an assymetric endresult.It is not that serious, but anyhow. Tonight I will attend the knitting café at Marias Garn. I'´m bringing this knit and we'll see what I'll do.
Det här ljuvliga merinoullet finns på rea lite varstans. Har bunkrat upp med ett gäng i färgen peacock för att göra koftan tess i RYC Classic Women, det är den på framsidan av häftet. Norskan Kris har också planer på att sticka den här kofta i samma garn. Hon har redan bloggat om tess i ett antal poster. Vi har mailats eftersom jag haft undringar angående tess, och då har hon berättat att hon också planerar att göra sin tess i peacock. Kul sammanträffande!
This lovely merino is on sale here and there. I've bunkered a gang in the colour peacok for the cardi tess in RYC Classic Women, the one on the cover. Norwegian Kris also has plans to make this cardi in the same yarn. She's blogged about tess a few times. We've been mailing about tess since I've had wonderings about tess. And she told me she's also going to make her tess in peacock. What a funny coincident!
Du kanske anar vad som är gång när du ser bilden ovan. Uh, stickning i flera färger känns läskigt. Mitt enda försök hittills ledde till fiasko. Men nu känner jag mig supermotiverad. Den underbart vackra Bias Fair Isle Pullover i Teva Durhams Loop-d-Loop har fått mig att fatta mod. Och jag lyckades lokalisera en UK-handlare som säljer Dalegarnet Freestyle. Så förra veckan kom ett stort paket med alla dessa mjuka ullgarner. Nu ska jag klämma på dem ett tag och ladda upp inför en swatch. Men jag tippar på att det kommer att ta några veckor innan jag vågar.
You may guess what I'm about to when you see the above picture. Ugh, knitting in many colours feels scary. My only attempt so far ended up in a fiasco. But now I'm totally motivated. The fantastic Bias Fair Isle Pullover in Teva Durhams Loop-d-Loop has made me gather courage. I've managed to identify a UK-based yarnstore that sells the Dalegarn Freestyl. So last week a huge package arrived with all these soft wools. I will snuggle with and squeeze them in order to prepare for a swatch. But I suspect it will take several weeks before I dare.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Big big Cardi
Hur som helst, min Kim Hargreaves Parka är nästan klar nu. Men, min stickfasthet är helt ur led. Swatchade innan jag började sticka på koftan så att jag skulle få den i S men nu är den snarare M/L. Få se om knappar kan få lite fason på passformen. Visserligen kan det vara skönt att ha någon kofta i garderoben som inte smiter åt. En som går att fylla ut med mer än en tröjja vid väder som kräver lager-på-lager. I veckan hoppas jag i alla fall komma ut på lite knappshopping. Utbudet får väl avgöra om det blir metall- eller stora 80-talsplastknappar? Vad tycker du?
Åh vad min dotter är coolare än jag någonsin varit. Jamen, hon är redan som en minitonåring. Inte minst har hon en vilja som heter duga. Men idag kände jag mig som en liten snorkråka i jämförelse med henne. Efter dagis kände hon visst för att chilla lite i vardagsrummet. Så hon bad pappa sätta på Bowies Hunky Dory och så släpade hon sitt täcke och sin kudde och la dem på vardagsrumssoffan. Sen bara låg hon där och slappade till musiken. När jag var två och ett halft lyssnade jag snarare på Gullan Bornemarks Sudda Sudda och byggde med lego...
Last week on Wednesday a gang of mamas met in a café in the center of Stockholm in the middle of the day and knitted and (mostly) talked. Besides all the small children we where five enthusiastic knitters; Jenny, Anna, Tina and Karin. Jenny told me about bloglines. And what a revolutionary discovery it was for me who read blogs on a daily basis. So yesterday I added 76 blogs (!) into my bloglines. And ahh, what a fantastic service it is to be able to just check out the latest updated blogs. Hmmm ... is it because I'm an old IT consultant that I must be the last one to discover this functionality? Anyho, my Kim Hargreave's parka is nearly done. But, it's obvious that my gauge is totally off. I'm a S but this one is rather M/L. This spacious cardi will probably be perfect chilly days when it's great to wear layers-on-layers. Well, I'm not completely convinved. I'll have to wait and see if some buttons can be able to shape this thing up a bit. I'm thinkting of metallic ones or maybe huge 80's style plastics. What do you think? Oh, my little daughter is so teeny and cool. In a way that I never was. Today I found her chilling out and listening to Bowie's Hunky Dory like this. She had asked her father to put this CD on play. Then she had fetched her pillow and blanket and dragged tham up to the living room couch. When I was two and a half I was playing with Lego and listening to Gullan Bornemark's Sudda Sudda. But how cool was that?
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Spring cleaning - want some hairy yarn?

2 nystan i färg 64 - brun/grönmelerad - bad 4785.
1 nystan i färg 12 - turkos/isblå - bad 1354.
2.8 nystan i färg 51 - mossgrön - bad 1286.
Spring time in april means no plants on the balcony. I realised this the other morning when it was snowing. The plants survived this time. Besides fixing on the balcony I have done som spring cleaning amongst my yarns. My husband has complained about the skeins stuck in our book shelves. In order to save the peace and quiet at home these skeins need to be stuffed into my yarnbox under the bed. This means that a few skeins must leave the box. This also means a possibility for you to increase your mohair stash. Just leave a comment no later than the 18th of April under this blog post. The winner of the hairy mohair package will be presented on the following Friday. The package contains 5.8 skeins á 50 g of Garnstudio's Vienna, 90 % mohair 10 % polyester. I've knitted severalshawls out of this yarn which I have been using frequently. It is this pattern, which is a really fast and easy knit.
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Nordic animals at Skansen
Den här älgen låg precis invid stängslet och softade oberörd av alla förtjusta barnen som kom fram och försökte få kontakt. När jag frågade Anthea om vi skulle gå vidare och se andra djur svarade hon hela tiden 'björnarna'.
Till slut kom vi fram till några riktigt djärva busar som likt tonåringar skulle klättra längst ut på stocken och balansera medelst akrobatiska kast.
Efter att vi roat och oroat oss (en av björnarna ramlade faktiskt av grenen och föll mot branten, men svingade sig tillbaka upp igen givetvis för ytterligare bus) åt björnarnas bus var det istället 'korna' som gällde för Anthea.
Vi såg många andra spännande djur, såsom bixonoxarna, men hur vi än letade fann vi inga kor. Inte ens fjällkor.
På lilla Skansen visade jag nappkyrkogården, eller vad det heter, för Anthea. Så hon förstår vart alla nappar tar vägen när de större duktigare barnen slutar med nappandet.
Skansenutflykten rundades av med soligt utomhusfika med pannkakor för Antheas del. På hemvägen hade jag två däckade barn i dubbelvagnen och kunde sticka några rader på den randiga chevronhalsduken. Det gick riktigt bra den här gången. De senaste tre dagarna har jag däremot försökt komma igång med det här projektet igen men det slutade bara med att jag repade upp igen och igen.
Today was this years first visit to Skansen for the children and me. Our aim was to see all the nordic animals. We've been here many times before but this time it was 'for real' for Anthea. Also Leo was amused by the 'funny creatures' if he was given some time to look at them. The mooses where really laid back this day. One was chilling near the fence and didn't care at all about the curious children that tried to chat with it. Anthea was particularly eager to see bears in real life. We saw many of them and we liked especially a couple of daring ones that where playing on some fallen trees. We also liked the bisons, owls, wolfes, lynxes and the wild boars. We also visited 'Lilla Skansen' for the smaller children. There they have this dummy grave yard which I showed for Anthea, who still uses dummies every now and then. I told her about all the the good kids who leave all their dummies here once they finish the bad habit of dummysucking. We finished our visit to Skansen with coffe, for me, and pancakes, for Anthea, in the sun. On our way home both children where asleep so I could knit a few rows on the striped chevron scarf. I managed well this time. But the last three days when I've tried to catch up where a left it a few weeks ago I just ended up ripping up every time.
Sunday, April 01, 2007
Sandy Sunday with Lady Eleanor

During our Sunday promenade we ended up in Rålambshov park's playground, where Anthea and Leo had fun in the childrends sandpit. There where plenty of people and they even served coffe this day, though we skipped this as we where more than content after our cakeparty earlier this day. Perhaps this Sunday wasn't the most glamourous day for introducing Lady Eleanor in public. A night at the Opera or lunch at the Rosendal's garden café could probably have been a more appropriate place for this duchess of Shawls. But I believe that even mothers with small children should be able to wear gorgeous clothes while playing with them. Besides that this shawl was everyting I could ever have wanted this chilly, though sunny, spring afternoon. As you can see the fringes are still long. I think I like them this way, so I will probably keep them like that. The fringes are knotted more densly than the pattern suggests. Besides this I'm happy with how the width came out as I omitted one row of squares. I think this a bit narrower shawl fits me perfectly.
Happy birthday papa

mama-daugther therapy
Det var verkligen mysigt att tåflirtas på fiket ...
... och gosigt att snackas bara vi två!
Yesterday daugther and I spent the afternoon in the city together. We bought presents for dad who is 25 + today, we went to a 50 % sale at the Lagerhaus and had a fika at Wayne's Coffe - all on Kungsgatan. It was cozy toe flirting and chatting just the two of us at the coffe place.